Sunday, January 30, 2011


"Moreover, the correlation between good bagels and egg sandwiches in New York City is and will always remain low. Good bagels are for schmears. They are for whitefish and belly lox. They are not for making into some kind of goyische morning Dagwood to be eaten in a pickup truck on the way to the hardware store. That is what bad bagels are for."


I spend some time last weekend combing through some church basements, looking for a few key pieces to round out my wardrobe.  I found what I was looking for, mostly, and because I took a friend, I had a good time doing it.

More details after the break. Read on...

Sunday, January 23, 2011

WIAT (weekend edition)

Because I ate several nice things this weekend, this is not so much what I ate today as what I ate this weekend...

First up: Home cooked pulled pork sandwiches with coleslaw. Very nice.

Complete list and more photos in the Hall...

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Montreal Collegiate...

A student produced video about cold weather fashion at my university...

I'm often on campus, and I often see people dressed much better than the people in this video. Still, it addresses some key issues in a cold climate, and offers a glimpse of campus clothing. Not tres preppy, though. Need some school colours in there...

Monday, January 17, 2011

Style vs. Fashion

I'm not going to flat out say that I agree with everything The Effortless Gent has to say about style and fashion. Sometimes, this debate seems to get a bit vicious, with the style camp looking down at the fashion camp. This is actually addressed in a post at Dappered this morning. Style, according to Dappered, includes class, and class means not judging others.
But there are a few interesting points raised, even if the Gent seems to get a bit judgemental. The Gent's ultimate point, is after all, to be oneself in one's clothes, to "Be real. Do you".  This is solid style advice, and can be applied much more broadly than clothing. Indeed, Dappered's admonition concerning class is a good one as well.
Good day to dress like a man, apparently.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

WIAT, or rather, What I ate on Sunday...

Sunday, the day of rest. Or Brunch. Which ever. Maybe both.

My buddy invited me over last Sunday for smoked salmon. Home-smoked smoked salmon.

More pictures inside...

Friday, January 7, 2011

WIAT (What I Ate Today)...

Today, I ate an Omelette aux échalotes, herbes salées et fromage. Cooked, I might add, in butter. As it should be.

Edit: I also had Bangers and Mash at The Burgundy Lion. Very tasty.

Thursday, January 6, 2011


The Sartorialist is one of the first clothing/fashion oriented blogs I began following, about a year ago.  It's a very good blog, with some very good pictures.

Also, Intel just made a short movie about the blogger behind it all. I enjoy some of the things he has to say:

Like I said, Brilliant.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

What I Ate Today (W.I.A.T)

Second instalment:

Soft polenta w/ butter and cheese
topped with
Crumbled Italian sausage in homemade tomato sauce.

Very nice.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

What do I have in my pocket?

One of the major projects I undertook this holiday season, besides relaxing like it was actually a thing to do, was to make a few pocket squares for myself. This was inspired by one or more of the menswear blogs I read regularly (I do not remember which, or I would point you, Gentle Reader, in the right direction). Luckily, my mother is a relatively accomplished seamstress, and so, I had plenty of guidance.  In addition, as I had discussed this possibility with her previously, my Christmas presents included some lovely flannel with which to begin.

More photos (close-ups and details included) after the jump...

What I Ate Today

In what I hope will be a regular feature here in Turriff Hall, I'll occasionally list what I eat in a day, in order, hopefully, to make you jealous of my epicurean pleasures.

To begin, what I ate today (yesterday, in reality. I was lazy...).  In no particular order, and brunch only:

Homemade fève au lard
Pan fried potatoes with herbes salé
My Aunt's tourtière
Breakfast sausage
Baked ham
Boudin noir
Scrambled eggs
Cucumber relish
Orange juice

There was my Grandmother's multigrain toast with cretons as well, but I was full. Painfully full.
And we forgot to put out the cheese plate. Dommage.
And that, Gentle Reader, is what I ate today.

Prep is not Trad: A mystery explained

Prepidemic has a useful explanation for the difference between Prep, Trad, and Ivy styles.

This is one of those times where I didn't think I needed to know something, but am better off for having learned it.

Inspired me to maybe pick up a new watch for the New Year, maybe, as well.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

My Back Yard...

Some shots from the trails we walk this time of year...

More photos inside, Gentle Reader...